Book Chapters
Ashraf Salama's work involves contributions to international research on architecture and urbanism as well as continuous writings on architectural pedagogy. He contributed a number of book chapters and as part of monographs and volumes edited by scholars across the various contexts.
List of Book Chapters
(click on selected titles to download or to visit webpages - dropdown)
Salama, A. M. (Submitted & Accepted will be in press for 2024). Amos Rapoport on Design Knowledge: Enabling a Theory for a Trans-critical Pedagogy in Architectural Education. In N. Fernando and K. D Silva (Eds.), Theorizing Built Form: The Legacy of Amos Rapoport. Routledge. (Forthcoming 2023/24)
Pansare, P., & Salama, A. M. (Accepted/In press 2023). Urban Form as a Driver for Inclusivity in Public Open Spaces: A Case from Glasgow. In B. Faircloth, M. Pedersen Zari, M. Ramsgaard Thomsen, & M. Tamke (Eds.), Design for Climate Adaptation - Proceedings of the World Congress of Architects 2023 (Sustainable Development Goals Series). Springer. (Forthcoming 2023)
Grichting Solder, A. and Salama, A. M. (Accepted/In press 2023). Three Possibilities for Landscape Urbanism in Middle Eastern Cities. In Du, P., Al-Kodmany, K., and Ali, M. M., The Routledge Handbook on Greening High-Density Cities: Climate, Society and Health. Routledge International Handbooks, Routledge. (Forthcoming 2023)
Salama, A. M. (2023), "Learning About" and "Learning From": Enabling Approaches for Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy in the Global South. In H. Harriss, A. M. Salama, & A. Gonzalez Lara (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Architectural Pedagogies of the Global South (1st ed., pp. 24-33). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.
Harriss, H., Curtis, B., Salama, A. M. (2023), Introduction: Collectivising the Canon: Perspectives and Precedents on Global South Pedagogies. In H. Harriss, A. M. Salama, & A. Gonzalez Lara (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Architectural Pedagogies of the Global South (1st ed., pp. 1-15). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.
Salama, A. M. (2022), Decolonizing Architectural Knowledge: Situating Middle Eastern Pedagogies in a Globalizing World. In M. Gharipour, & D. E. Coslett (Eds.), Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow: (Re)Defining the Field (pp. 222-232). (Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East). Intellect. ISBN #9781789386042.
Salama, A. M. (2021), Transdisciplinary Thinking for Conceptualising Borders and Boundaries. In S. Girginkaya Akdağ, et al. (eds), The Dialectics of Urban and Architectural Boundaries in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. (The Urban Book Series), Springer, Switzerland. pp. 1-8.
Salama, A. M. (2021), Foreword: Rethinking the 'Lived' Within the 'Urban' of the Middle Eastern City. In S. Azzali, S. Mazzetto, & A. Petruccioli (eds), Urban Challenges in the Globalizing Middle-East: Social Value of Public Spaces.(The Urban Book Series), Springer, Switzerland. pp. v-vii.
Wiedmann, F. and Salama, A. M. (2019), Mapping Lefebvre's Theory on the Production of Space to an Integrated Approach for Sustainable Urbanism. In M. E. Leary-Owhin and J. P. McCarthy (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, The City and Urban Society (1st ed.), Routledge, London. ISBN # 9781138290051.
Salama, A. M. and Wiedmann (2018). Hub e siti connessione: '' evoluzione delle tipologie spaziali nelle citta del Golfo" Hubs and Sites of Connexion: Evolving Place Typologies in Gulf Cities. In Paola Galante (ed.), Migrazioni, CLEAN Publishers, Napoli, Italy.
Salama, A. M. (2018), Post-professional Architecture and Academia. In H. Sadri (ed.), Neo-liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Professional Era (pp. 271-277). (The Urban Book Series), Springer, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76267-8
Salama, A. M. (2017), Evolution in the Arab Region. In Carughi, U. and Visone, M. (eds), Time Frames: Conservation Policies for Twentieth-Century Architectural Heritage. Routledge, London. pp. 365-371. ISBN # 9781472489296.
Salama, A. M. (2016). The Emerging Urban Landscape in the Southern Persian Gulf. In M. Kamrava (ed.), Gateways to the World: Port Cities in the Persian Gulf. Oxford University Press / Hurst Publishers, London, United Kingdom.
Salama, A. M. (2016), Evolutionary Interventions in Search of National Architectural Identity. In Molinari, L. and Jaidah, I. (eds), AEB 1966-2016: Fifty Years of Architectural Design in Qatar. Skira, Milan, Italy. pp. 8-19. ISBN # 9788857228608.
Salama, A. M. and Wiedmann, F. (2016), Fragmentation and Continuity in Qatar's Urbanism: Towards a Hub Vision. In Tok, M. E., Alkhater, L. R. M., and Pal, L. A. (eds), Policy-Making in a Transformative State. Plagrave Macmillam, London. pp. 155-177. ISBN # (online) 9781137466396 and (Print) 9781137466389. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-46639-6_6
Salama, A. M. (2016), Epilogue: Urban Landscapes and Future Sustainable Urban Qualities in Middle Eastern Cities. In M. Gharipour (ed), Contemporary Urban Landscapes of the Middle East. Routledge, London. pp. 255-265. ISBN # 9781138849594.
Salama, A. M. Wiedmann, F., Khalfani, F., Al Maimani, A. (2016), Dynamics of Populations and Urban Open Spaces in the Emerging City of Doha. In. G. Katodrytis and S. Syed (eds), Gulf Cities as Interfaces. Gulf Research Center, University of Cambridge, pp. 185-206.
Wiedmann, F., Conventz, S., Salama, A. M., and Thierstein, A. (2016), The Role of Advanced Producer Service Firms in the Development of Urban Diversity in Doha. In. G. Katodrytis & S. Syed (eds), Gulf Cities as Interfaces. Gulf Research Center, University of Cambridge, pp. 27-50.
Salama, A. M. (2015), The Emerging Urban Landscape in the Southern Persian Gulf. In M. Kamrava (ed), Gateways to the World: Port Cities in the Persian Gulf. Hurst Publishers, London. ISBN # 9781849045636.
Salama, A. M. (2015), A Socio-Anthropological Approach for Exploring Housing Culture in Contemporary Cairo. In A. Picone (ed), Culture mediterranee dell’abitare: Mediterranean housing cultures. (pp. 128-137), (Inhabiting the Future; Vol. 7). CLEAN Publishers, Napoli, Italy. ISBN 9788884974938.
Salama, A. M. (2014), Media Coverage and Users' Reactions: Al Azhar Park in Cairo Re-examined. In W. Preiser, A. Davis, A. M. Salama, and A. Hardy (eds), Architecture Beyond Criticism: Expert Judgment and Performance Evaluation. Routledge, London, pp. 91-103. ISBN # 9780415725323.
Preiser, W. F. E., Davis, A., Salama, A. M., and Hardy, A. (2014), Introduction. In W. Preiser, A. Davis, A. M. Salama, and A. Hardy (eds), Architecture Beyond Criticism: Expert Judgment and Performance Evaluation. (Hardback ed.). Routledge, London, pp. 3-19. ISBN # 9780415725323.
Salama, A. M. (2014), A Century of Architecture in the Arabian Peninsula: Evolving Isms and Multiple Architectural Identities in a Growing Region. In G. George Arbid (ed), Architecture from the Arab world (1914-2014): A Selection: Bahrain Catalogue in Biennale Venice. Bahrain Ministry of Culture, Manama, Bahrain, pp. 137-143.
Salama, A. M. (2013), Narrating Doha’s Architecture and Urbanism: The then, the now, the drama, the theater, and the performance. In Josep Luis Mateo and Krunoslav Ivanisin (eds), Middle East: Landscape, City, and Architecture. Park Books, London. ISBN # 9783906027166.
Salama, A. M. (2012), Architectural Identity Demystified: Visual Voices from the Arab World. In. P. Emmons, J. Lomholt, and J. L. Jendrix (eds), The Cultural Role of Architecture: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. Routledge, London, pp. 175-185. ISBN # 9780415783415.
Salama, A. M. (2012), Assessing Qatar University’s Campus Outdoor Spaces: Design Intentions Versus Users’ Reactions. In S. Mallory-Hill, W. Preiser and C. Watson (eds), Enhancing Building Performance. John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp.139-150. ISBN # 9780470657591.
Salama, A. M. (2012), Evaluation Research and Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) in Architecture and Urbanism: Consumption Versus Production of Knowledge. In S. Mallory-Hill, W. Preiser and C. Watson (eds), Enhancing Building Performance. John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 277-284. ISBN # 9780470657591.
Salama, A. M. (2011), Identity Flows: The Arabian Peninsula, Emerging Metropolises. In Luis Fernández-Galiano (ed), ATLAS-Architectures of the 21st Century - Africa and Middle East. Fundación BBVA, Madrid, Spain. pp. 175-221. ISBN # 9788492937196.
Salama, A. M. (2009), Preface: Cultural Evolution and the Arab House nella prefazione, ripercorre la storia della capitale d’Egitto, cercando di recuperare la memoria di una tradizione tipologica dell’abitare arabo. In Adelina Picone, Casa Araba d’Egitto, Editoriale Jaca Books, Milan, Italy. ISBN # 8816408561.
Salama, A. M. (2007), A Structured Content and a Rigorous Process Meet in Studio Pedagogy. In A. Salama and N. Wilkinson (eds), Design Studio Pedagogy: Horizons for the Future. Urban International Press, Gateshead, United Kingdom, pp. 153-166. ISBN # 18728110904.
Salama, A. M. and Wilkinson, N. (2007), Introduction: Legacies for the Future of Design Studio Pedagogy. In A. Salama and N. Wilkinson (eds), Design Studio Pedagogy: Horizons for the Future. Urban International Press, Gateshead, United Kingdom, pp. 2-8. ISBN # 18728110904.
Salama, A. M. (2005), Architectural Identity in the Middle East: Hidden Assumptions and Philosophical Perspectives. In D. Mazzoleni et al (eds), Shores of the Mediterranean: Architecture as a Language of Peace. Intra Moenia, Napoli, Italy. pp. 77-85. ISBN# 887421054X.
Salama, A. M. (2004), Contemporary Architecture in Egypt: Reflections on Architecture and Urbanism of the Nineties. In J. Abed (ed), Architecture Re-Introduced: New Projects in Societies in Change. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Geneva, Switzerland. pp. 80-101.
Salama, A. M. (2002), Environmental Knowledge and Paradigm Shifts: Sustainability and Architectural Pedagogy in Africa and the Middle East. In A. Salama et al (eds), Architectural Education Today: Cross Cultural Perspectives. Comportments, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp. 51-59. ISBN# 2940075077.
Salama, A. M. and Noschis, K. (2002), Introduction: An Architectural Education Responsive to Contemporary Societies. In A. Salama et al (eds), Architectural Education Today: Cross Cultural Perspectives. Comportments, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp. 8-14. ISBN# 2940075077.
Salama, A. M. (1999), Incorporating Knowledge about Cultural Diversity into Architectural Pedagogy. In W. O'Reilly (ed), Architectural Knowledge and Cultural Diversity, Comportments, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp. 135-144. ISBN# 2940075042.
Salama, A. M. (1998), A New Paradigm in Architectural Pedagogy: Integrating Environment-Behavior Studies into Architectural Education Teaching Practices. In J. Teklenburg et al. (eds), Shifting Balances: Changing Roles in Policy, Research, and Design. EIRASS Publishers, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. pp.128-139. ISBN# 9068140825.
Feature Chapters
Salama, A. M. (2023), "Learning About" and "Learning From": Enabling Approaches for Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy in the Global South. In H. Harriss, A. M. Salama, & A. Gonzalez Lara (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Architectural Pedagogies of the Global South (1st ed., pp. 24-33). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge, London
Salama, A. M. (2022), Decolonizing Architectural Knowledge: Situating Middle Eastern Pedagogies in a Globalizing World. In M. Gharipour, & D. E. Coslett (Eds.), Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow: (Re)Defining the Field (pp. 222-232). (Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East). Intellect, Bristol.
Salama, A. M. (2021), Transdisciplinary Thinking for Conceptualising Borders and Boundaries. In S. Girginkaya Akdağ, et al. (eds), The Dialectics of Urban and Architectural Boundaries in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. (The Urban Book Series), Springer, Switzerland. pp. 1-8.
Salama, A. M. (2021), Foreword: Rethinking the 'Lived' Within the 'Urban' of the Middle Eastern City. In S. Azzali, S. Mazzetto, & A. Petruccioli (eds), Urban Challenges in the Globalizing Middle-East: Social Value of Public Spaces.(The Urban Book Series), Springer, Switzerland. pp. v-vii.
Wiedmann, F. and Salama, A. M. (2019), Mapping Lefebvre's Theory on the Production of Space to an Integrated Approach for Sustainable Urbanism. In M. E. Leary-Owhin and J. P. McCarthy (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, The City and Urban Society (1st ed.), Routledge, London.
Salama, A. M. (2018), Post-professional Architecture and Academia. In H. Sadri (ed.), Neo-liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Professional Era. (The Urban Book Series), Springer, Switzerland. pp. 271-277.
Salama, A. M. (2017), Evolution in the Arab Region. In Carughi, U. and Visone, M. (eds), Time Frames: Conservation Policies for Twentieth-Century Architectural Heritage. Routledge: London. pp. 365-371.
Salama, A. M. and Wiedmann, F. (2016), Fragmentation and Continuity in Qatar's Urbanism: Towards a Hub Vision. In Tok, M. E., Alkhater, L. R. M., and Pal, L. A. (eds), Policy-Making in a Transformative State. Plagrave Macmillam, London. pp. 155-177.
Salama, A. M. (2016), Evolutionary Interventions in Search of National Architectural Identity. In Molinari, L. and Jaidah, I. (eds), AEB 1966-2016: Fifty Years of Architectural Design in Qatar. Skira, Milan, Italy. pp. 8-19.
Salama, A. M. (2015), A Socio-Anthropological Approach for Exploring Housing Culture in Contemporary Cairo. In A. Picone (ed), Culture mediterranee dell’abitare: Mediterranean housing cultures (Inhabiting the Future; Vol. 7). CLEAN Publishers, Napoli, Italy, pp. 128-137.
Salama, A. M. (2012), Assessing Qatar University’s Campus Outdoor Spaces: Design Intentions Versus Users’ Reactions. In S. Mallory-Hill, W. Preiser and C. Watson (eds), Enhancing Building Performance. John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp.139-150.
Salama, A. M. (2011), Identity Flows: The Arabian Peninsula, Emerging Metropolises. In Luis Fernández-Galiano (ed), ATLAS-Architectures of the 21st Century - Africa and Middle East. Fundación BBVA, Madrid, Spain. pp. 175-221.